Having had more than 50 people toil on this for more than 3 months, we are excited to announce the product that’s been put together by all these professional translators, videographers, affiliate marketing experts from across the globe, and of course me personally — the first-ever multilingual affiliate marketing video tutorial for beginners. This “Affiliate Marketing 101” video course is available in 21 different languages, making affiliate marketing knowledge attainable to more than 4 billion people worldwide!
The original course was scripted and recorded in English, but then we spent 500+ hours translating and subtitling the course in(to) Simplified Chinese (close to 1 billion speakers), Spanish (some 0.5 billion), Hindi (341 million speakers), Arabic (some 300 million speakers) and 16 other languages.
Besides creating this video tutorial’s program and content and recording it all, I personally steered the whole process (putting in well over 150 hours into this). Some of my friends know this (though not many in the affiliate marketing business do), but I am a linguist and a translator by trade. So I was honored to, finally, apply my knowledge to something this profound.
Apart from the numbers of native-speakers of any given language, and the state of e-commerce in the respective countries, I also took into account the penetration of English. For example, regardless of high levels of e-commerce maturity in The Netherlands, Sweden, and Norway, you won’t find Dutch, Swedish, and Norwegian translations of the course. The reason is simple: between 80% and 90% of population in these countries are perfectly comfortable with English.
Below you may view all 21 versions of this affiliate marketing video tutorial (and please don’t be shy to spread the word about this project of ours!):
- English: Affiliate Marketing 101: Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
- Arabic: التسويق بالعمولة 101: التسويق بالعمولة للمبتدئين
- Chinese: 联盟网络营销 101: 初学者的联盟网络营销
- Czech: Affiliate Marketing 101: Affiliate Marketing pro začátečníky
- French: Le Marketing d’Affiliation 101 : Le Marketing d’Affiliation pour les Débutants
- German: Affiliate-Marketing 101: Affiliate-Marketing für Anfänger
- Greek: Affiliate Marketing 101: Affiliate Marketing για αρχάριους
- Hindi: एफिलिएट मार्केटिंग 101: इस क्षेत्र में नए लोगों के लिए एफिलिएट मार्केटिंग
- Indonesian: Pemasaran Afiliasi 101: Pemasaran Afiliasi untuk Pemula
- Italian: Affiliate Marketing 101: Marketing di Affiliazione per Principianti
- Japanese: アフィリエイトマーケティング 101: 初心者のためのアフィリエイトマーケティング
- Korean: 제휴 마케팅 101 : 초보자를위한 제휴 마케팅
- Malay: Pemasaran Afiliasi 101: Pemasaran Afiliasi untuk Pemula
- Polish: Marketing afiliacyjny 101: Marketing afiliacyjny dla początkujących
- Portuguese: Marketing de Afiliados 101: Marketing de Afiliados para Iniciantes
- Romanian: Marketing afiliat 101: Marketingul afiliat pentru începători
- Russian: Партнёрский маркетинг для начинающих
- Spanish: Marketing de Afiliación 101: Marketing de Afiliación para Principiantes
- Turkish: Satış Ortaklığı’na Giriş: Başlangıç Seviyesinde Satış Ortaklığı
- Ukrainian: Партнерський маркетинг для початківців
- Vietnamese: Tiếp thị Liên kết 101: Tiếp thị Liên kết dành cho Người mới bắt đầu