Literally a week from now, AM Days will return to New York City with six 2.5-hour workshops within Affiliate Summit East 2022. One of them will draw our attention to an area that’s often overlooked… until it’s too late, I’m afraid. I’m referring to a workshop that will be taught by David Adler, a Chicago-based attorney practicing in the areas of corporate law, intellectual property, and all affiliate marketing-related areas as well.
Let’s learn more about his workshop from David himself:
Workshop Title:
- David Adler, President, Adler Law Group
Target Audience:
Advertisers/Merchants, Affiliate Managers, OPMs, Independent Consultants, Affiliates, Affiliate Networks
Experience Level:
Beginner to Intermediate
Trust throughout the entire affiliate advertising ecosystem is often questionable. Consumers may not trust affiliate marketers. Advertisers don’t trust their affiliates. Government regulators don’t trust anyone. No one seems to know when where or how to ensure affiliate marketing is honest and trustworthy. Headlines about state and international privacy laws only make things cloudier. This workshop takes on the challenge of providing advertisers, merchants, agencies, and affiliates the tools they need to help restore trust at all levels. From disclaimers and disclosures to contracts and collaborations, the workshop will look at all the legal facets of running a trustworthy and successful business.
Attendees will learn best practices, strategies, and tactics from a seasoned legal professional who works with businesses and regulators at the federal and state levels. We will break down the how, when, where, and what of disclosers and disclaimers. The workshop will discuss recent developments in privacy law such as California “Do Not Sell” requirements and what businesses need to know about how the law may or may not apply. Attendees will learn how to identify, prioritize, and respond to the legal requirements of the business.
We’re heading for a sellout, but there are still spaces left in this workshop, and both David and I would love to see you there!
Looking forward to seeing you in New York soon!!