Yesterday afternoon we’ve announced an exiting news — our Fort Lauderdale autumn conference is going to be co-located with the already-legendary Conversion Conference, whose founder and chairperson, Tim Ash, keynoted our opening conference in San Francisco three months ago. With so much common ground between the two conferences, it should be beneficial for both; and especially for AM Days attendees.
Today I am happy to announce that we have just opened up registration for the October 9-10 2012 conference:
As you can see, this time we’re offering much more choice. In San Francisco you could only really choose when to register. In Fort Lauderdale you still have our standard “Super Early Bird”, “Early Bird”, “Regular Price” and “Onsite Price” options; but besides this, you also have an option of attending one day only, or getting a social networking pass; or buy a two-conference combo pass which will let you into both AM Days and Conversion Conference.
Whichever of the above you will choose, remember that by registering by EOD of July 20 2012 you will save over 40% (or $700 on our two-day pass, and $900 on the combo pass). So, hurry! Register today!!
As always, each additional attendee from the same company registered at the same time receives an extra $150 off the two-day pass.