Speaker Proposals are being accepted for
Affiliate Management Days London, May 13-14, 2014
Venue: Chelsea Football Club
Speaker proposal deadline: December 16, 2013
To submit a proposal for a future event please continue reading
Affiliate Management Days is a professional forum for affiliate managers and marketing executives responsible for their company’s affiliate marketing strategy, program management and related operations.
We are currently seeking speakers on topics such as:
- Affiliate program management
- Affiliate recruitment
- Affiliate marketing analytics
- Effective affiliate motivation
- Affiliate marketing fraud
- Types and value of affiliates
- Conversion optimization
- Compliance policing & enforcement
- Solutions to challenges and threats
- Legislative questions/issues
- Leveraging emerging trends
- Mobile affiliate marketing
- Offline performance marketing
Note: Case study-based proposals are strongly encouraged.
As a business event, we emphasize named case studies. Naming the company that benefited makes your session much more effective. It is a strong selling point to attract attendees to your session, rendering the case study more concrete and adding credibility. Attendees will feel, “I want to know what that company is up to!”
If you are a vendor or consultant, check with your clients for permission to be named during your presentation.
Even better, ask if your client would be interested presenting themselves, or copresenting.
Vendor-Neutral Content
Your session must present substantive content such that the audience can implement and benefit from what is learned without necessarily buying any particular product or professional service. Your session title and description may not name any vendor or tool, other than non-promotional free software tools (although you may name the vendor and tool during your presentation).
Speaker Benefits – What You Get:
- Widen your reputation as an expert in the field.
- Strengthen your company’s reputation as a leader in your area of expertise.
- Gain exposure to affiliate managers and marketing executives.
- Receive free full two-day pass to attend Affiliate Management Days.
- Post your bio and a link to your site on the AM Days website.
Speaker Responsibilities
By submitting the speaker proposal form you agree to the following speaker requirements and restrictions:
- Vendor-neutral content. Your presentation may contain no “sales pitches” or sales-oriented material. Although positive exposure is generally a natural side-effect of presenting, your session must focus entirely on substantive content that the audience can implement and benefit from without necessarily buying any particular product or professional service.
- Travel expenses. AM Days does not have a budget to cover speaker travel expenses. Speakers are responsible for their own travel expenses. You certify that you have secured funds (or secured authorization for such funds, where applicable) to fully cover your travel expenses as needed in order to attend the event at which you are proposing to speak.
- Speaker cancellation. You certify that you have the means and opportunity to attend and present at AM Days at which you are proposing to speak, and that you have attained any pertinent authorization, such as that of your employer, prior to submitting the speaker submission form.
- Agents and PR staff. If the person completing the speaker submission form is not the speaker (e.g., an agent, assistant, or PR staff), you must enter both your email address as well as the speaker’s, as indicated on the submission form. You certify that you are authorized as an agent to submit the speaker proposal form on her or his behalf, and that the speaker has been consulted regarding, and is willing to agree to, the provisions listed here; upon acceptance, the speaker her- or himself will be required to explicitly agree to these provisions via the AM Days Speaker Agreement.
Speaker Proposal Form
Thanks for reading! Please complete the Affiliate Management Days speaker proposal form.